Overall | Jul - Sep | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior |

Paladin Stats

I analyzed all arena decks where users chose Paladin and entered in all 30 cards in Arena Mastery from inception to September 2.

There were 12259 arenas played with an overall average of 4.78 wins per arena run.

I then looked at the number of cards in a deck and the average wins with those cards. The cards are listed below. (Note: entries with less than 10 arenas have been removed.)

Note: Naxxramas has only been released for a small portion of this time, so the numbers for Naxxramas will be skewed as a result.

Name: Name of the card
0 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 0 of this card
1 copy: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 1 of this card
2 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 2 of this card
3 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 3 of this card
4 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 4 of this card
0 vs 1 diff: This is just the difference between 1 copy of a card and 0

: 500+ arenas played with this combination (hover over icon for exact count)
: 100-499 arenas played with this combination (hover over icon for exact count)
: less than 100 arenas played with this combination (hover over icon for exact count)

Note: click on a heading to sort by that heading

Name   0 copies 1 copy 2 copies 3 copies 4 copies 0 vs 1 diff
Abomination +0.02      -0.20      -0.84      - - -0.22
Abusive Sergeant -0.02      +0.09      -0.28      - - +0.11
Acidic Swamp Ooze +0.05      -0.09      -0.08      +0.12      - -0.14
Acolyte of Pain +0.02      -0.05      -0.32      -0.38      - -0.07
Alarm-o-Bot 0.00      -0.87      - - - -0.87
Aldor Peacekeeper -0.21      +0.17      +0.52      +1.20      - +0.38
Alexstrasza -0.01      +0.40      - - - +0.41
Amani Berserker -0.03      +0.03      +0.22      +0.38      - +0.06
Ancient Brewmaster +0.05      -0.17      -0.38      - - -0.22
Ancient Mage 0.00      -0.29      - - - -0.29
Ancient Watcher 0.00      -0.62      - - - -0.62
Angry Chicken 0.00      -0.57      - - - -0.57
Arcane Golem 0.00      -0.03      +0.16      - - -0.03
Archmage +0.02      -0.21      -0.52      - - -0.23
Argent Commander -0.04      +0.06      +0.36      +0.60      - +0.10
Argent Protector -0.33      +0.05      +0.20      +0.35      +1.02      +0.38
Argent Squire -0.03      +0.11      +0.84      - - +0.14
Avenge 0.00      -0.19      +0.08      - - -0.19
Avenging Wrath +0.03      -0.10      -0.57      - - -0.13
Azure Drake -0.02      +0.05      -0.13      +0.99      - +0.07
Baron Geddon -0.01      +0.48      - - - +0.49
Baron Rivendare 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Big Game Hunter -0.02      +0.21      - - - +0.23
Blessed Champion +0.03      -0.60      -1.78      - - -0.63
Blessing of Kings -0.07      +0.10      -0.05      -0.10      -0.63      +0.17
Blessing of Might +0.05      -0.20      -0.49      - - -0.25
Blessing of Wisdom +0.11      -0.08      -0.48      -1.14      - -0.19
Blood Knight +0.02      -0.23      -0.34      - - -0.25
Bloodfen Raptor +0.01      -0.04      -0.12      -0.05      - -0.05
Bloodmage Thalnos -0.01      +0.44      - - - +0.45
Bloodsail Corsair 0.00      -0.09      - - - -0.09
Bloodsail Raider -0.04      +0.18      +0.29      -0.70      - +0.22
Bluegill Warrior +0.01      -0.07      -0.09      - - -0.08
Booty Bay Bodyguard +0.04      -0.50      -0.72      - - -0.54
Boulderfist Ogre -0.03      +0.02      +0.25      +0.15      - +0.05
Cairne Bloodhoof 0.00      -0.09      - - - -0.09
Captain Greenskin 0.00      -0.23      - - - -0.23
Chillwind Yeti -0.05      +0.08      +0.05      -0.21      - +0.13
Coldlight Oracle 0.00      -0.57      - - - -0.57
Coldlight Seer 0.00      -0.11      - - - -0.11
Consecration -0.44      +0.00      +0.23      +0.37      +0.62      +0.44
Core Hound 0.00      -0.33      - - - -0.33
Crazed Alchemist +0.02      -0.23      -0.73      - - -0.25
Cult Master +0.02      -0.02      -0.29      +0.19      - -0.04
Dalaran Mage 0.00      -0.35      - - - -0.35
Dancing Swords 0.00      -0.06      - - - -0.06
Dark Iron Dwarf -0.05      +0.07      +0.05      +0.29      - +0.12
Darkscale Healer 0.00      -0.02      -0.27      - - -0.02
Deathlord 0.00      -0.17      +1.15      - - -0.17
Deathwing -0.01      +0.42      - - - +0.43
Defender of Argus -0.02      +0.07      -0.05      -0.61      - +0.09
Demolisher +0.02      -0.18      -0.73      - - -0.20
Dire Wolf Alpha +0.04      -0.11      -0.46      -0.31      - -0.15
Divine Favor +0.03      -0.33      -0.60      - - -0.36
Doomsayer 0.00      -1.08      - - - -1.08
Dragonling Mechanic 0.00      -0.03      -0.28      - - -0.03
Dread Corsair -0.02      +0.28      -0.68      - - +0.30
Earthen Ring Farseer -0.02      +0.04      -0.13      +0.22      - +0.06
Echoing Ooze 0.00      -1.03      - - - -1.03
Elven Archer -0.01      +0.13      +0.55      - - +0.14
Emperor Cobra 0.00      +0.01      -0.16      - - +0.01
Equality -0.01      +0.03      -0.23      -0.71      - +0.04
Eye for an Eye +0.01      -1.07      - - - -1.08
Faceless Manipulator 0.00      -0.01      -1.13      - - -0.01
Faerie Dragon +0.01      -0.03      +0.00      -0.04      - -0.04
Fen Creeper -0.01      +0.00      +0.15      +0.49      - +0.01
Feugen 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Flesheating Ghoul +0.04      -0.12      -0.61      -1.78      - -0.16
Frost Elemental 0.00      -0.06      +0.50      - - -0.06
Frostwolf Grunt +0.01      -0.23      -0.14      - - -0.24
Frostwolf Warlord +0.03      -0.06      -0.16      -0.21      - -0.09
Gadgetzan Auctioneer +0.02      -0.23      -0.34      - - -0.25
Gnomish Inventor +0.03      -0.12      -0.03      +0.08      - -0.15
Goldshire Footman 0.00      -0.17      - - - -0.17
Grimscale Oracle 0.00      -1.85      - - - -1.85
Gruul 0.00      +0.12      - - - +0.12
Guardian of Kings +0.01      +0.00      -0.02      -0.11      -0.82      -0.01
Gurubashi Berserker +0.01      -0.08      -0.01      - - -0.09
Hammer of Wrath -0.06      +0.00      +0.13      -0.07      -0.58      +0.06
Hand of Protection +0.04      -0.21      -0.34      - - -0.25
Harrison Jones 0.00      -0.65      - - - -0.65
Harvest Golem -0.07      +0.08      +0.16      -0.07      +0.15      +0.15
Haunted Creeper -0.01      -0.06      +0.61      - - -0.05
Hogger 0.00      -0.22      - - - -0.22
Holy Light +0.03      -0.52      -1.86      - - -0.55
Holy Wrath 0.00      +0.00      -0.02      - - +0.00
Humility +0.04      -0.27      -0.51      - - -0.31
Hungry Crab 0.00      -1.41      - - - -1.41
Illidan Stormrage 0.00      -0.02      - - - -0.02
Imp Master -0.01      +0.01      +0.34      - - +0.02
Injured Blademaster +0.02      -0.13      -0.40      - - -0.15
Ironbeak Owl +0.05      -0.31      -0.55      - - -0.36
Ironforge Rifleman +0.01      -0.09      -0.78      - - -0.10
Ironfur Grizzly +0.04      -0.17      -0.73      - - -0.21
Jungle Panther +0.04      -0.15      -0.11      -0.78      - -0.19
Kel'Thuzad 0.00      +0.52      - - - +0.52
King Mukla 0.00      -0.43      - - - -0.43
Knife Juggler -0.05      +0.11      +0.53      +1.72      - +0.16
Kobold Geomancer +0.02      -0.21      -0.11      - - -0.23
Lay on Hands 0.00      -0.06      +0.11      - - -0.06
Leeroy Jenkins 0.00      -0.17      - - - -0.17
Leper Gnome +0.02      -0.26      -0.22      - - -0.28
Light's Justice +0.01      +0.00      -0.60      - - -0.01
Lightwarden 0.00      -0.16      - - - -0.16
Loatheb 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Loot Hoarder +0.03      -0.08      -0.08      -0.71      - -0.11
Lord of the Arena +0.01      -0.14      -0.24      - - -0.15
Lorewalker Cho 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Mad Bomber -0.06      +0.07      +0.44      +0.61      - +0.13
Mad Scientist 0.00      -0.28      - - - -0.28
Maexxna -0.01      +1.03      - - - +1.04
Magma Rager 0.00      -0.89      - - - -0.89
Malygos 0.00      -0.86      - - - -0.86
Mana Addict 0.00      -0.57      - - - -0.57
Mana Wraith 0.00      -0.33      - - - -0.33
Master Swordsmith +0.02      -0.27      -0.23      - - -0.29
Millhouse Manastorm 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Mind Control Tech -0.04      +0.14      +0.23      - - +0.18
Mogu'shan Warden +0.02      -0.44      -1.14      - - -0.46
Molten Giant 0.00      -0.21      - - - -0.21
Mountain Giant 0.00      -0.68      - - - -0.68
Murloc Raider 0.00      -0.06      - - - -0.06
Murloc Tidecaller 0.00      -0.80      - - - -0.80
Murloc Tidehunter -0.01      +0.15      -0.49      - - +0.16
Murloc Warleader 0.00      -0.07      - - - -0.07
Nat Pagle 0.00      -0.07      - - - -0.07
Nerub'ar Weblord 0.00      -0.48      - - - -0.48
Nerubian Egg 0.00      -0.41      - - - -0.41
Nightblade +0.01      -0.25      +0.12      - - -0.26
Noble Sacrifice 0.00      -0.02      +0.13      -0.78      - -0.02
Novice Engineer +0.01      -0.08      +0.19      - - -0.09
Nozdormu 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Oasis Snapjaw +0.02      -0.19      -0.41      - - -0.21
Ogre Magi +0.01      -0.10      -0.30      - - -0.11
Onyxia -0.01      +0.50      - - - +0.51
Pint-Sized Summoner +0.01      -0.17      -0.20      - - -0.18
Priestess of Elune +0.01      -0.21      +0.41      - - -0.22
Questing Adventurer +0.02      -0.28      -0.34      - - -0.30
Raging Worgen 0.00      -0.02      -0.05      -0.42      - -0.02
Ragnaros the Firelord -0.01      +0.43      - - - +0.44
Raid Leader +0.01      -0.20      +0.17      - - -0.21
Ravenholdt Assassin 0.00      -0.06      -0.25      - - -0.06
Razorfen Hunter -0.02      +0.05      +0.09      - - +0.07
Reckless Rocketeer 0.00      -0.08      +0.15      - - -0.08
Redemption +0.01      -0.11      -0.31      - - -0.12
Repentance +0.02      -0.43      -0.78      - - -0.45
River Crocolisk -0.01      +0.06      +0.12      - - +0.07
Scarlet Crusader -0.01      +0.00      +0.00      +0.27      - +0.01
Sea Giant -0.02      +0.09      +0.30      - - +0.11
Secretkeeper 0.00      -0.15      - - - -0.15
Sen'jin Shieldmasta -0.01      +0.01      -0.01      +0.12      - +0.02
Shade of Naxxramas 0.00      -0.16      - - - -0.16
Shattered Sun Cleric +0.02      -0.06      +0.02      -0.24      - -0.08
Shieldbearer 0.00      -0.46      - - - -0.46
Silver Hand Knight -0.05      +0.05      +0.23      +0.28      - +0.10
Silverback Patriarch +0.01      -0.48      - - - -0.49
Silvermoon Guardian +0.01      -0.07      -0.44      - - -0.08
Sludge Belcher 0.00      -0.15      -0.06      - - -0.15
Southsea Captain 0.00      -0.08      - - - -0.08
Southsea Deckhand 0.00      +0.01      -0.53      - - +0.01
Spectral Knight 0.00      -0.15      -0.39      - - -0.15
Spellbreaker +0.01      -0.04      -0.05      -0.10      - -0.05
Spiteful Smith -0.03      +0.09      +0.07      -0.78      - +0.12
Stalagg 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Stampeding Kodo -0.04      +0.12      +0.26      +1.82      - +0.16
Stoneskin Gargoyle 0.00      -0.18      - - - -0.18
Stonetusk Boar 0.00      -0.25      - - - -0.25
Stormpike Commando -0.01      +0.05      +0.11      - - +0.06
Stormwind Champion -0.05      +0.09      +0.02      +0.45      - +0.14
Stormwind Knight 0.00      -0.01      -0.08      - - -0.01
Stranglethorn Tiger -0.02      +0.02      +0.19      -0.70      - +0.04
Sunfury Protector +0.02      -0.18      +0.22      - - -0.20
Sunwalker -0.05      +0.15      +0.26      +0.55      - +0.20
Sword of Justice +0.01      -0.04      -0.19      -0.58      - -0.05
Sylvanas Windrunner -0.01      +0.07      - - - +0.08
Tauren Warrior +0.02      -0.50      -0.87      - - -0.52
The Beast 0.00      -0.31      - - - -0.31
The Black Knight -0.01      +0.14      - - - +0.15
Thrallmar Farseer +0.01      -0.27      -1.18      - - -0.28
Tinkmaster Overspark 0.00      +0.04      - - - +0.04
Tirion Fordring -0.03      +0.42      +0.32      - - +0.45
Truesilver Champion -0.38      -0.10      +0.24      +0.53      +0.90      +0.28
Twilight Drake +0.01      -0.09      -0.04      - - -0.10
Undertaker 0.00      -0.65      - - - -0.65
Unstable Ghoul 0.00      +0.00      - - - +0.00
Venture Co. Mercenary +0.06      -0.13      -0.24      -0.32      - -0.19
Violet Teacher -0.02      +0.09      -0.14      - - +0.11
Voodoo Doctor 0.00      -0.06      - - - -0.06
Wailing Soul 0.00      +0.13      - - - +0.13
War Golem +0.02      -0.16      -0.47      - - -0.18
Wild Pyromancer -0.01      -0.01      +0.31      - - +0.00
Windfury Harpy +0.01      -0.32      -1.07      - - -0.33
Wisp 0.00      -0.54      - - - -0.54
Wolfrider 0.00      -0.03      -0.12      -0.36      - -0.03
Worgen Infiltrator -0.03      +0.08      +0.12      - - +0.11
Young Dragonhawk 0.00      -0.89      - - - -0.89
Young Priestess +0.01      -0.24      +0.53      - - -0.25
Youthful Brewmaster +0.08      -0.22      -0.22      -0.23      - -0.30
Ysera 0.00      -0.09      - - - -0.09
Zombie Chow -0.01      +0.18      +1.51      - - +0.19