Overall | Jul - Sep | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior |

Overall Stats - Recent Version

I analyzed all arena decks and entered in all 30 cards in Arena Mastery from July 1 to September 2.

There were 19128 arenas played with an overall average of 4.58 wins per arena run.

I then looked at the number of cards in a deck and the average wins with those cards. The cards are listed below. (Note: entries with less than 10 arenas have been removed.)

Only neutral cards are displayed. See an individual class to see comparisons with class cards included.

Note: Naxxramas has only been released for a small portion of this time, so the numbers for Naxxramas will be skewed as a result.

Name: Name of the card
0 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 0 of this card
1 copy: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 1 of this card
2 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 2 of this card
3 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 3 of this card
4 copies: Difference in average wins per arena with decks with 4 of this card
0 vs 1 diff: This is just the difference between 1 copy of a card and 0

: 500+ arenas played with this combination (hover over icon for exact count)
: 100-499 arenas played with this combination (hover over icon for exact count)
: less than 100 arenas played with this combination (hover over icon for exact count)

Note: click on a heading to sort by that heading

Name   0 copies 1 copy 2 copies 3 copies 4 copies 0 vs 1 diff
Abomination +0.02      -0.24      -0.43      - - -0.26
Abusive Sergeant 0.00      -0.02      -0.47      - - -0.02
Acidic Swamp Ooze +0.04      -0.06      -0.21      -0.38      - -0.10
Acolyte of Pain 0.00      -0.01      -0.09      +0.34      - -0.01
Alarm-o-Bot 0.00      -0.97      - - - -0.97
Alexstrasza 0.00      +0.10      - - - +0.10
Amani Berserker -0.03      +0.09      +0.07      +0.01      - +0.12
Ancient Brewmaster +0.04      -0.16      -0.41      - - -0.20
Ancient Mage 0.00      -0.21      - - - -0.21
Ancient Watcher 0.00      -0.45      - - - -0.45
Angry Chicken 0.00      -0.14      - - - -0.14
Arcane Golem 0.00      -0.08      +0.28      - - -0.08
Archmage 0.00      -0.03      +0.06      - - -0.03
Argent Commander -0.05      +0.15      +0.09      +0.65      - +0.20
Argent Squire 0.00      +0.03      -0.29      - - +0.03
Azure Drake -0.06      +0.13      +0.29      +0.88      - +0.19
Baron Geddon -0.01      +0.48      - - - +0.49
Baron Rivendare 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Big Game Hunter -0.01      +0.06      -0.22      - - +0.07
Blood Knight 0.00      -0.05      +0.90      - - -0.05
Bloodfen Raptor 0.00      +0.00      -0.10      +0.07      - +0.00
Bloodmage Thalnos 0.00      -0.31      - - - -0.31
Bloodsail Corsair 0.00      -0.28      - - - -0.28
Bloodsail Raider -0.03      +0.17      +0.28      - - +0.20
Bluegill Warrior 0.00      -0.04      +0.24      - - -0.04
Booty Bay Bodyguard +0.01      -0.33      -1.44      - - -0.34
Boulderfist Ogre -0.05      +0.09      +0.09      +0.41      - +0.14
Cairne Bloodhoof -0.01      +0.27      - - - +0.28
Captain Greenskin 0.00      -0.14      - - - -0.14
Chillwind Yeti -0.06      +0.10      +0.09      -0.30      +0.61      +0.16
Coldlight Oracle +0.01      -0.68      - - - -0.69
Coldlight Seer 0.00      -0.51      - - - -0.51
Core Hound 0.00      -0.30      - - - -0.30
Crazed Alchemist +0.01      -0.15      -0.08      - - -0.16
Cult Master +0.02      -0.03      -0.30      -0.08      - -0.05
Dalaran Mage 0.00      -0.18      - - - -0.18
Dancing Swords +0.01      -0.46      -0.13      - - -0.47
Dark Iron Dwarf -0.06      +0.07      +0.12      +0.80      +0.42      +0.13
Darkscale Healer 0.00      -0.02      +0.21      - - -0.02
Deathlord 0.00      +0.00      +0.28      - - +0.00
Deathwing -0.01      +0.47      - - - +0.48
Defender of Argus +0.01      -0.05      -0.10      -0.01      - -0.06
Demolisher +0.03      -0.28      -0.93      - - -0.31
Dire Wolf Alpha +0.01      -0.06      +0.02      -0.15      - -0.07
Doomsayer 0.00      -0.75      - - - -0.75
Dragonling Mechanic 0.00      -0.01      -0.39      - - -0.01
Dread Corsair 0.00      -0.01      +0.56      - - -0.01
Earthen Ring Farseer -0.01      +0.01      +0.11      +0.57      - +0.02
Echoing Ooze 0.00      -0.26      - - - -0.26
Elven Archer 0.00      +0.04      -0.95      - - +0.04
Emperor Cobra +0.01      -0.08      -0.31      - - -0.09
Faceless Manipulator +0.01      -0.12      -0.41      - - -0.13
Faerie Dragon +0.01      -0.03      +0.00      +0.07      - -0.04
Fen Creeper +0.01      -0.04      -0.10      +0.37      - -0.05
Feugen 0.00      +0.23      - - - +0.23
Flesheating Ghoul +0.04      -0.15      -0.46      - - -0.19
Frost Elemental -0.01      +0.01      +0.39      - - +0.02
Frostwolf Grunt +0.01      -0.40      - - - -0.41
Frostwolf Warlord +0.02      -0.05      -0.40      +0.11      - -0.07
Gadgetzan Auctioneer +0.02      -0.20      +0.12      - - -0.22
Gnomish Inventor -0.01      +0.05      -0.09      -0.96      - +0.06
Goldshire Footman 0.00      -0.52      - - - -0.52
Grimscale Oracle 0.00      -0.37      - - - -0.37
Gruul 0.00      -0.04      - - - -0.04
Gurubashi Berserker +0.02      -0.13      -0.29      - - -0.15
Harrison Jones 0.00      +0.35      - - - +0.35
Harvest Golem -0.01      -0.02      +0.16      +0.17      -0.64      -0.01
Haunted Creeper -0.05      +0.25      +0.65      +0.66      - +0.30
Hogger 0.00      -0.04      - - - -0.04
Hungry Crab 0.00      -0.20      - - - -0.20
Illidan Stormrage 0.00      +0.10      - - - +0.10
Imp Master +0.01      -0.06      +0.14      - - -0.07
Injured Blademaster +0.02      -0.15      -0.18      - - -0.17
Ironbeak Owl +0.02      -0.16      -0.66      - - -0.18
Ironforge Rifleman +0.02      -0.24      -1.16      - - -0.26
Ironfur Grizzly +0.02      -0.13      -0.48      -1.48      - -0.15
Jungle Panther +0.03      -0.15      -0.28      +0.36      - -0.18
Kel'Thuzad 0.00      -0.09      - - - -0.09
King Mukla 0.00      +0.31      - - - +0.31
Knife Juggler -0.03      +0.11      +0.12      +1.17      - +0.14
Kobold Geomancer +0.01      -0.10      +0.15      - - -0.11
Leeroy Jenkins 0.00      -0.11      - - - -0.11
Leper Gnome +0.02      -0.31      -0.28      - - -0.33
Lightwarden 0.00      +0.03      - - - +0.03
Loatheb 0.00      +0.05      - - - +0.05
Loot Hoarder -0.01      +0.02      -0.03      +0.68      - +0.03
Lord of the Arena +0.02      -0.20      -0.30      - - -0.22
Lorewalker Cho 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Mad Bomber -0.06      +0.14      +0.15      +0.40      - +0.20
Mad Scientist -0.01      +0.15      +1.25      - - +0.16
Maexxna 0.00      +0.03      - - - +0.03
Magma Rager 0.00      -0.16      - - - -0.16
Malygos 0.00      -0.13      - - - -0.13
Mana Addict 0.00      -0.11      - - - -0.11
Mana Wraith 0.00      -0.01      - - - -0.01
Master Swordsmith +0.01      -0.30      -0.29      - - -0.31
Millhouse Manastorm 0.00      +0.10      - - - +0.10
Mind Control Tech -0.01      +0.05      +0.23      - - +0.06
Mogu'shan Warden +0.02      -0.47      -1.03      - - -0.49
Molten Giant +0.01      -0.18      +0.45      - - -0.19
Mountain Giant +0.01      -0.58      - - - -0.59
Murloc Raider 0.00      -0.11      - - - -0.11
Murloc Tidecaller 0.00      -0.14      - - - -0.14
Murloc Tidehunter -0.01      +0.07      +1.46      - - +0.08
Murloc Warleader 0.00      -0.20      - - - -0.20
Nat Pagle 0.00      -0.87      - - - -0.87
Nerub'ar Weblord +0.01      -0.18      -0.55      - - -0.19
Nerubian Egg +0.01      -0.19      -0.14      - - -0.20
Nightblade 0.00      -0.07      - - - -0.07
Novice Engineer +0.01      -0.11      -0.48      - - -0.12
Nozdormu 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Oasis Snapjaw +0.01      -0.12      -0.46      - - -0.13
Ogre Magi +0.01      -0.05      -0.19      -1.91      - -0.06
Onyxia -0.01      +0.36      - - - +0.37
Pint-Sized Summoner +0.01      -0.10      -0.98      - - -0.11
Priestess of Elune +0.01      -0.20      -1.02      - - -0.21
Questing Adventurer +0.01      -0.15      -0.11      - - -0.16
Raging Worgen +0.01      -0.02      -0.14      +0.23      - -0.03
Ragnaros the Firelord -0.01      +0.41      - - - +0.42
Raid Leader +0.01      -0.20      -0.18      - - -0.21
Ravenholdt Assassin 0.00      -0.07      +0.22      - - -0.07
Razorfen Hunter 0.00      -0.04      -0.19      - - -0.04
Reckless Rocketeer +0.02      -0.21      -0.88      - - -0.23
River Crocolisk -0.01      +0.04      -0.17      - - +0.05
Scarlet Crusader -0.02      +0.04      +0.01      -0.46      - +0.06
Sea Giant -0.01      +0.07      -0.02      - - +0.08
Secretkeeper 0.00      -0.13      - - - -0.13
Sen'jin Shieldmasta 0.00      +0.03      -0.07      -0.57      - +0.03
Shade of Naxxramas 0.00      -0.10      -0.38      - - -0.10
Shattered Sun Cleric +0.02      -0.05      +0.01      +0.05      - -0.07
Shieldbearer +0.01      -0.67      - - - -0.68
Silver Hand Knight -0.02      +0.01      +0.13      +0.37      - +0.03
Silverback Patriarch +0.01      -0.75      - - - -0.76
Silvermoon Guardian +0.01      -0.11      -0.26      - - -0.12
Sludge Belcher -0.02      +0.11      +0.20      +2.22      - +0.13
Southsea Captain 0.00      +0.14      - - - +0.14
Southsea Deckhand 0.00      +0.09      +0.18      - - +0.09
Spectral Knight +0.01      -0.07      -0.19      +0.15      - -0.08
Spellbreaker +0.02      -0.03      -0.23      -1.25      - -0.05
Spiteful Smith 0.00      +0.01      -0.09      -0.45      - +0.01
Stalagg 0.00      - - - - +0.00
Stampeding Kodo -0.05      +0.18      +0.30      -0.81      - +0.23
Stoneskin Gargoyle +0.01      -0.55      -1.64      - - -0.56
Stonetusk Boar 0.00      -0.26      - - - -0.26
Stormpike Commando 0.00      -0.03      +0.01      - - -0.03
Stormwind Champion -0.03      +0.07      +0.05      -0.11      - +0.10
Stormwind Knight +0.01      -0.02      -0.29      +0.34      - -0.03
Stranglethorn Tiger -0.02      +0.07      +0.05      -0.42      - +0.09
Sunfury Protector 0.00      -0.04      +0.43      - - -0.04
Sunwalker -0.04      +0.13      +0.31      +0.47      - +0.17
Sylvanas Windrunner 0.00      +0.02      - - - +0.02
Tauren Warrior +0.02      -0.50      -0.70      - - -0.52
The Beast 0.00      +0.02      - - - +0.02
The Black Knight -0.01      +0.34      - - - +0.35
Thrallmar Farseer +0.01      -0.22      +0.00      - - -0.23
Tinkmaster Overspark 0.00      +0.30      - - - +0.30
Twilight Drake -0.01      +0.02      +0.19      - - +0.03
Undertaker 0.00      -0.19      -2.38      - - -0.19
Unstable Ghoul 0.00      -0.07      -0.08      - - -0.07
Venture Co. Mercenary +0.01      -0.02      -0.14      +0.25      - -0.03
Violet Teacher -0.01      +0.05      +0.00      - - +0.06
Voodoo Doctor 0.00      -0.26      -0.08      - - -0.26
Wailing Soul 0.00      +0.11      - - - +0.11
War Golem 0.00      +0.00      -1.04      - - +0.00
Wild Pyromancer -0.02      +0.11      +0.06      - - +0.13
Windfury Harpy +0.01      -0.27      - - - -0.28
Wisp 0.00      -0.68      - - - -0.68
Wolfrider +0.01      -0.05      -0.53      - - -0.06
Worgen Infiltrator +0.02      -0.05      -0.14      -0.43      - -0.07
Young Dragonhawk 0.00      -0.86      - - - -0.86
Young Priestess +0.01      -0.23      +0.09      - - -0.24
Youthful Brewmaster +0.05      -0.16      -0.10      -0.71      - -0.21
Ysera 0.00      -0.08      - - - -0.08
Zombie Chow -0.02      +0.25      +0.98      - - +0.27